Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My husband retired this weekend and his box was a hit!!

Testimonial by Julie Mills Hall -

USAF-retirement-gifts-you-loveMy husband retired this weekend and his box was a hit!! We laid the flag they folded and some of his medals on the tray for show at his party, but we did opt for the flag holder inside and it looks great!! So many compliments! Thank you, we love it!!!

About this Custom Air Force Keepsake

We appreciate your husbands service! We also appreciate being chosen to build this custom keepsake by hand for him in North Carolina. Yes, you read that  right, these are hand made in the USA. You did a wonderful job pinning the medals and you will have to teach us the trick with the dogtags.  Simply Wonderful. You will be happy you have the flag holder under the tray!

Please thank him for all of us for his sacrifices. Be extremely proud of his accomplishments &enjoy his retirement together.

My husband retired this weekend and his box was a hit!!

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